dissabte, 19 de juliol del 2008

No ser proUSA fins l'absurditat és de pobres

Ahir a l'hora de dinar em trobava engolint caviar a una tauleta de la xarcuteria de la meva família, el Semen™, quan de cop se m'acostà un dels empleadots acompanyat de dos senyors nets i polits. Tots dos feien més de dos metres d'alçada, complexió atlètica, duien americana i pantalons de vestir a joc, de color gris fosc. A sota camisa blanca i sengles corbates discretes. Eren rossos com la cervesa d'arrel i amb un tall de cabell marcial, de persona de bé. Tot i que les seves ulleres de sol Ray-Ban model general m'impedien veure'ls els ulls, de seguida m'inspiraren confiança.

Amb un accent peculiar em demanaren el nom. No havia acabat de pronunciar la darrera síl·laba del meu cognom, '-tres', quan vaig detectar una cosa rara en aquells individus. Em va fer l'efecte que duien arracadeta a una de les orelles, com els quinquis, i aquest fet em donà molta mala espina. No és lloc pels quinquis, la xarcuteria de la meva família. Mentre un m'emmanillava amb les mans a l'esquena i l'altre m'engrapava fort per la gola vaig veure'ls més de prop i em vaig calmar, alleujat: allò no era una arracadeta, era un auricular-micròfon (allò que a "Crónicas Marcianas" en dèiem pinganillo). Eren agents de la CIA, defensors de la llibertat, en perpètua defensa contra el terrorisme, el mal i d'altres conceptes abstractes. La mà a la gola va passar a esclafar-me el cap contra la taula. El que m'havia emmanillat li va fúmer una coça a la cadira on jo seia i amb una empenta precisa em va disposar de genolls a terra. Tot plegat feia molt de mal, però era un mal per la llibertat, o sigui que era correcte. Em mantingueren immobilitzat en aquesta posició.

Els agents em van comunicar que el meu darrer article sobre Guantànamo a l'Avui, titulat 'Guantànamo és llibertat', era tan descaradament maniqueu i irreflexivament proUSA que fregava l'absurditat i s'acostava directament a la burla institucional. Em van acusar d'haver escrit l'article fent-me passar per articulista subnormal, desgastant conceptes com el de 'llibertat', per tal de ridiculitzar la causa de la lluita contra el terrorisme i denunciar per reducció a l'absurd les irregularitats legals i de tota mena de la presó de Guantànamo. Em digueren que aquesta càrrega tan precisa i efectiva contra Guantànamo de la que m'acusaven només podia respondre a interessos terroristes, que jo podia tenir informació crucial sobre terroristes.
Entre gemecs i llàgrimes, amb la valentia que em caracteritza, vaig respondre'ls que jo no sabia res, que en general no sé res sobre res, que no tinc estudis ni talent, que només sóc un articulista mediocre amb influències heretades de la xarcuteria de la iaia, que sóc realment partidari de tot allò que tingui a veure amb els USA i que si de vegades els meus articles semblen de subnormal és perquè a gaire més no arribo. Els agents no van afluixar-me i em van comunicar que quedava arrestat en nom dels USA i que aviat passaria a disposició de la justícia militar de l'exèrcit dels Estats Units, que m'esperava un vol directe cap a Guantànamo i que no em preocupés, que allí ja em farien cantar com cal.

No podria estar escrivint aquestes línies de no ser per la meva iaia, que en aquells moments sortí del rebost de la xarcuteria i veié tot el percal. Va negociar la meva llibertat amb els agents a canvi d'un suborn de qualité exquise: una morterada de diners i una panera amb salmó fumat del bo, caviar beluga i conserves assortides. Un cop més la meva iaia em treia les castanyes del foc per la via econòmica. Els agents no es van poder resistir a l'oferiment i aviat quedí en llibertat. Per la llibertat havia estat immobilitzat en llibertat i ara la llibertat em recompensava amb ella mateixa, llibertat. I ara acabaré aquest article com solc fer, amb frases curtes sense sintagma verbal, que tot i que queda de prosa lírica barata de marieta de 1er de BUP, a mi m'encanta i em dóna molt bon resultat retòric, total, escric per hooligans curts de gambals... La llibertat viscuda. La llibertat. Llibertat. Oh, llibertat. Els dies. Les hores. El caviar. La calba. Llibertat. Llibereu Willy. Oh. Caviar. Carlos de Gran Hermano. Llibertat. Oh. Iaia. Diners. Llibertat. Dolça llibertat. Oh.

50 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Hòstia, això és boníssim!
No havia rigut tant des que l'Avui digital permetia comentar les columnetes del nostre llir entre cards!

Anònim ha dit...

Espectacular el nou post!! Especialment l'últim paràgraf...no puc parar de riure!!!!

Anònim ha dit...

Seguiu, si us plau.

Anònim ha dit...


Anònim ha dit...

vosaltres sou uns grans fills de puta!

Anònim ha dit...

els del puto blog i els invecils que comenten la merda aquesta!
firmat: Roger

Anònim ha dit...

Gràcies per retratar-te anomenant-nos "invecils", Roger.

Sort que els adeptes del Sostres sou borderlines. És un plaer recordar-vos-ho a la cara tants cops com faci falta.

Anònim ha dit...

Sisplau, torna Melcior!
Tot i que el teu alter ego t'ho està posant d'allò més difícil en termes d'autoparòdia i esperpent

Anònim ha dit...

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How to Burn Blu-ray's to Computer
These days HD movies are what people really want. And blu-ray disc deliver the best quality picture of today. You computer can play blu-ray and display HD if your monitor is HD. Having blu-ray on your computer and having them backed up is a good way to collect your movies and keep them safe. However there are a few steps you have to do to get them to work on your computer.
Step 1
The First step is to get a blu-ray burner. Because if you don't have a blu-ray burner on your computer the disc will not read. So I recommend getting any blu-ray burner and install it on your computer make sure it plays the blu-ray.
Step 2
The second step is basically downloading a free software that is called VLC Media Player . This is a media player that is better the media player on your computer because this media player will play almost every video file. You can google this on google.com there will be a link that says " Download VLC Media PLayer Free. Go to that link and start downloading this program to your computer. The icon looks like and orange cone with white stripes
Step 3
Once you have downloaded this program you then have to download 1 more program called dvdfab this program has a picture of a kid.
You can google it also by going to google search and typing dvdfab. Once you go to the search on dvdfab click on a link that says free stuff. This will take you to a free download of dvdfab. This program is great and once you have installed this program. The icon should appear on your desktop. Once all has been installed put in your blu-ray player and the dvdfab software should read it automatically and ask you if you want to download the entire disc or only main movie.
Tips & Warnings
When downloaded tv shows or cartoon series make sure you download the entire disc because if you don't it will only download a section of the DVD or blu-ray
The VLC Program is basically to watch your blu-ray's or DVD's on your computer

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Suggestions on How to meet Women on the Mall

If you should be just one guy and aren't the highest quality at locating much much less meeting ladies and are wondering the place you would possibly head to acquire and interact with a toddler, then these ten sensible tips on how to meet a toddler along at the mall, must appear in mighty handy.

1 - Go into the meals court. Think it or not, the food court would be the absolute preferred put with the mall to satisfy a female. Here's what you do. Pick a meals area and get in line for the meal. Despite the fact that you will be in line, appear all around the location the place everybody is seated and eating. Appear for a lady sitting alone, or even two girls sitting down together. When you've got your meal in hand, walk more than to somewhere she or they can be sitting and request if you can join them. If you're truthful and straightforward with them, your odds are fairly wonderful.

2- Do some contemplating. Previous to you even take into account proceeding into the local mall to meet a girlfriend, sit your self down and do some severe pondering. Ponder how you can get together a lady and what you could say to her if you might be flourishing. Take into account which components to the shopping mall you'd stop by. Also, you're planning to ought to purchase a thing even when there, what do you'll need? At last, consider what meeting a girlfriend in a public place entails. Absolutely you will be expected to look for the wedding ring before speaking to a young girl, and you can be expected to take into consideration if it's wiser to speak into a gal alone or one who's with other people. As a final point, you're likely to have to get sensible about your personal age and also the ages for this girl you would like to fulfill. As in, you are going to need to tell oneself being realistic and don't test to satisfy girls which can be substantially younger or older than you , yourself are, or that seem out of the league.

3 - Request facilitate. After that you're ultimately on the mall, one particular with the approaches to fulfill ladies is by asking them for guidance. Ladies be aware that males have no notion what they are doing when they are purchasing, so asking for allow won't appear this kind of a ridiculous idea. Request aid in picking out a jacket for on your own for example. Working on so let's the woman know that you simply are single. If she agrees to help you, ask her other questions as you grab distinct jackets to test on.

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The relative complexities of men's and women's fashion

Both men and women can have the demands of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's fashion usually seems a lot simpler. Of course, for both sexes, clothes and fashion options can be quite as complicated, and there are many'trendy'items which can quickly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people walking on in 70s flames? On the other side, men's fashion features a few choice things that will exist eternally - which man is going to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose traditional pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.

Why classic men's style is amazing

The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous kinds for different occasions, however they are all common in their quest for a clever, sharp look for the person. The great thing about traditional style for men is that it's efficiently elegant effortlessly cool. A well-groomed man will almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will be worn to work in several careers because of the professional search it affords to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will undoubtedly be used to several social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible versatility that allows suits to be worn in almost all occasions is what gives it its timeless advantage and a lasting place in men's fashion.

Modern trends in classic men's fashion

Though common men's designs can never be changed, it is interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain classic garments back in fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, specially, has taken back a wide-variety of classic models into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who clothe themselves in a classic yet extravagant way, placing importance on appearance and operating in a sophisticated method. This trend for nearly'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress yourself in especially Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the roads on vintage bikes - with many of the men wearing impressive mustaches! This really is just one single of many types of proof presenting the resurrection of such styles. Additionally, there are numerous sites on the web which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, although certain areas of common men's fashion may be brought back as new developments, the fundamental clothes that they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it takes are a few simple clothes. And there's one key - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical angle.
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